His cinematographic career began in 1976 with the main role in the film “Rhythms”, directed by Lucian Bratu;
- 1981 – The role of “Pustiul” in the artistic television series “Lights and Shadows”, directed by Andrei Blaier;
- 1983 – The main role (“Dan”) in the feature film “I want to know why I have wings”, script by Ioan Grigorescu, directed by Nicu Stan;
- 1985 – The main role (“Traian”) in the feature film “Marele Premiu”, script by Chiril Tricolici, directed by Maria Callas Dinescu;
- 1987 – The role of “Buzescu” in the artistic feature film “Extemporary at the Direction”, script by George Sovu, directed by Nicolae Corjos;
- 1993 – The main role (“Cosmin”) in the feature film “High school students on alert”, script George Şovu, directed by Mircea Plângău;
- 1997- The role of “Policeman” in the feature film “Marital Homicide”, French-Romanian co-production, screenplay by Eric Assous, directed by Gerard Cuq;
- 1997-The role of “Friend Sofia” in the feature film “The Vampire Journals”, American-Romanian co-production, written and directed by Ted Nicolaou;
- 1998 – The role of “Vlathos” in the feature film “Teenage space vampires”, American-Romanian-Canadian co-production, screenplay by Mark Collier, directed by Martin Wood;
- 1998 – The role of “Captain Emil” in the feature film “Triangle of Death” written and directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu;
- 1998 – Role in the feature film “JUSQU’A CE QUE LA MORT NOUS SEPARE” Romanian-French co-production, script by Clement DELAGE & Lionel EPP, directed by Lionel EPP
- 1999 – The role of “Cedric” in the feature film “Rendez-vous avec la mort”, Romanian-French co-production, screenplay by Philippe Isard & Christian Francois, directed by Christian Francois;
- 2000 – The role of the “Thief” in the artistic feature film “Every Day God Kisses You on the Mouth”, written and directed by Sinisa Dragin;
- 2003 – secondary role (Soriani) in the French-Romanian artistic co-production “La Femme De L’Ombre”, script Anne Landois, directed by Gérard Cuq;
- 2009 – secondary role in the film “Youth at war” – Romanian-Austrian co-production, producer Tudor Giurgiu;
- 2015 – secondary role in the film “Scarred Hearts” – after Max Blecher, directed by Radu Jude.
- 2020 – “Museum director” in the film “Borders” – script and direction Sebastian Voinea;
- 2021 – main role in the film “Obligations” after Sidonia Drăgușanu. Screenplay and direction – Mihnea Chelaru