I want to write something for the end of the year. Because it is coming. And I don’t know what to start with. I will not talk about elections, although I am increasingly desperate for the indifference with which the people (especially the youths!) of this country are influenced by a destructive laziness, an evil indolence, almost entered into their DNA, not to participate in this act that decides the future! THEIR FUTURE!
I’m not even going to talk about the budget cuts in theaters, although this is ruining us and consuming us, actors, directors, set designers, and so on.
And that’s why I’m not even going to talk about “what do you want, haven’t your wages been increased?”, Because, as “everything” has increased, we are earning less now.
I’m not talking about politics, because everyone does. And I don’t get it so well!
About how wrong is the path of education in Romania and about the trauma children are subjected to in this system I will not speak, because it is seen with the naked eye.
About the excruciating conditions in hospitals, about the “weasel” that dominates the tax system, about the employees of the Town Halls who do not do their job at all and they do not have any shame of accusing you that you did not send I do not know what documents, although they have those documents in their office for years, I can not speak, because I am too shaken and hit recently by these donkey manifestations and I do not want to talk ugly on my page.
About the hours we miss on the streets (because, apparently, we don’t have highways …) on the way to … anything, we’ll keep talking! I’m sure. Let’s talk about the subway in Drumul Taberei? (Hahaha!) Which subway?
To talk about Euro 2020? I’m really scared … !!
I don’t know, maybe you can propose me a topic to talk about.
But I will talk about how beautiful it is at the theater (sometimes, yes, I do not want to generalize, because … as the great and the regreted Ion Cojar said “at the theater when it is beautiful, it is beautiful, but when it is ugly, it is very ugly ”). About how much need we have to escape at any cost from the roboticization that our society proposes, to break down the automations and programs that our system, systems inoculate to us and make time for us, for the beautiful, yes, for the art, for nature, for love!
How beautiful it would be to propose to love ourselves! But it’s a utopia! At least to respect each other? And do our job well, as much as we can? And those who “are our bosses” to value us for our work and honesty? Yeah, that’s a utopia too!
My dear ones who read these lines by mistake, by pleasure, by chance, please at least think well of others! Please. And please make time for the beautiful in your life! Please believe me that money are not always necessary. Sure , money are wellcome, but they aren’t always essential. A ticket to the theater is often cheaper than at the cinema, the exhibitions are often free. If you get used to “rewarding yourself” with such escapes you will have many pleasant surprises. And you will see more and more, which you will enjoy more and more.
You will also discover how much peace and quiet it means to be in a theater room after an important line has been well delivered, when “the Angel passes”, as we use to say and you will see how much it will enrich you this thing. And how good you will feel!
I don’t know what came to me, maybe it’s this … melancholy of the Holidays, the end of the year, the passing of time, but I wanted to tell you something. Because I believe that if we “expose” ourselves to more beauty, we become richer, we become better and more capable to love and that helps everyone!
That is it for now! Maybe we can talk some more. Who knows what topics will come?
I embrace you all, at least because you read this text to the end. Thanks.
The end