Probably, according to Buddhist perceptions, where there is a curse that says “may Buddha give you to live interesting times”, we … have been cursed! Or anyway, from a historical point of view, we live in interesting times! This pandemic is … eating our days! But now I want to focus on the good side. Last year, 2020, it was kind of sacrificed because of the so-called covid; It seems that this year is about the same, but we’ll talk about him next year! But I ask you to tell me what beautiful things you experienced, what good things happened to you, precisely DUE to the covid. We all had moments when we turned more on the family, we spent much more time together, we thought together, or we had more time for something we like and otherwise we could not find the moments to dedicate ourselves to that hobby, that pleasure, that desire … it is impossible not to have had unique moments, which otherwise would not have taken place! I am very curious and interested.